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Inspection Gauge

We manufacture and provide Pin Gauge and Ring Gauge. Pin Gauge are used for the measuring and inspection of ferrule and sleeve inner diameters while Ring Gauge are used for the measuring and inspection of the ferrule and sleeve outer diameters.

We use these gauges for our own internal inspection process when inspecting our ferrules and sleeves at the time of delivery. Because of the extreme accuracy and precision of our gauges, we can check, confirm and trace all of our manufactured ferrules and sleeves.

We offer standard gauge sizes and specifications for the inspection of ferrules and sleeves and we also have the capabilities of manufacturing custom configurations and sizes with the same accuracy and precision at submicron levels as our standard gauge sizes.

Pin Gauge

Pin Gauge

Pin Gauge are precision sized cylinders at a submicron level in a plug form used for inspecting inner diameters of objects. Our Pin Gauge are made of Zirconia Material and Hard Metal Alloy Material.

Material Dimensions [φ(mm)] Tolerance [±] Roundness
Hard Metal 0.0800∼0.0999 0.1μ ≤0.2μ
0.1000∼0.9999 0.1μ ≤0.2μ
1.0000∼1.9999 0.1μ ≤0.2μ
2.0000∼3.0000 0.1μ ≦0.2μ
Zro2 0.5000∼0.9999 0.1μ ≤0.2μ
1.0000∼3.0000 0.1μ ≤0.2μ

Ring Gauge

Ring Gauge

Ring Gauge are precision sized rings at a submicron level used for inspecting outer diameters of objects. Our Ring Gauge are made of Single Crystal Sapphire Material.


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