For information regarding our journey from "Adamant Namiki Precision Jewel Co." to "Orbray Co." Please click here


About SDGs

The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are a collection of global goals included in a resolution called the 2030 Agenda, which was set by the United Nations General Assembly in September 2015.
The aim of the resolution is to achieve its 17 goals by 2030 with a view towards ending all forms of poverty, fighting inequalities, and tackling climate change while ensuring that no one is left behind.

About SDGs About SDGs

SDGs Declaration

We pledge to create a virtuous cycle within and beyond our company to achieve our SDGs.
We seek to enhance our “cutting, grinding, and polishing” technologies,
and engage in activities that can help resolve global problems.

Human rights & labor

Establish a working environment of safety,
security, and well-being for our employees
under our value of “one company, one family”

  • Achieve equality in employment, education, promotion, etc.
  • Establish harassment consultation services
  • Step up employee education on compliance, harassment, etc.
  • Promote diversity management
  • Encourage employees to take parental leave, regardless of gender
  • Quality Education
  • Gender Equality
  • Decent Work and Economic Growth
  • Reduced Inequalities

Environment, products, & services

Promote environmental management
through ISO9001 , 14001 & 13485

  • Continue with ISO9001 (quality mgmt.), 14001 (environmental mgmt.), & 13485 (medical devices)
  • Provide technology to help resolve global issues
  • Continue to improve the quality of precision parts by advancing our cutting-edge technology
  • Track the kinds/quantity of waste; accelerate waste reduction
  • Set environmental management policies; raise employee awareness
  • Strictly manage environmentally hazardous substances
  • Affordable and Clean Energy
  • Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
  • Responsible Consumption and Production
  • Climate Action
  • Partnerships for the Goals

Fair business practices &
organizational structure

Create a sound company built by all
employees and trusted by society

  • Disseminate corporate vision to all employees
  • Promote risk management (identify, evaluate, take action)
  • Manage supply chain initiatives for SDGs
  • Create business continuity plans for infectious diseases, floods, and other emergencies
  • Share our company’s non-financial information
  • Decent Work and Economic Growth
  • Sustainable Cities and Communities
  • Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions

Social & regional contributions

Contribute to society as we have
done since our founding

  • Plant trees for environmental management
  • Support high school students’ projects
  • Sponsor local festivals and events
  • Plan activities to develop communities and revitalize local economies
  • Continue our 50-year-old ski schools for employees’ families
  • Quality Education
  • Sustainable Cities and Communities
  • Climate Action
  • Partnerships for the Goals

Orbray’s initiatives regarding its Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

Since our company’s founding, we have pushed the manufacturing process to ever higher levels of precision, while maintaining a spirit of compassion, in keeping with Japan’s traditional philosophy. We have pursued the development of Earth-friendly, sustainable technologies and products, such as our synthetic jewel parts. We have also engaged in a variety of activities to contribute to local communities: conducting factory tours for students, and opening nursery schools on our factory sites; holding local events to allow our communities to get to know us better, and vice versa; planting trees; and recycling used uniforms.

These activities have enabled us to develop proprietary technologies to serve the needs of our local and global community, while enhancing the motivation and sense of unity among employees. We are much richer as a company because of our ties to our local communities.

With the spirit of compassion, we will continue to be energetic in cultivating human resources and relationships with local communities, while manufacturing state-of-the-art products. Through our contributions to a sustainable and safe society, we intend to maintain our company and support our communities far into the future. In particular:

  • (1) We aim to create a sustainable future by manufacturing high-value-added, precision products in niche markets.
  • (2) We will advance our efforts to offer employees the training and working environment necessary to improve their skills, build their careers, and become well-rounded members of society.
  • (3) As a firm deeply entrenched in our communities, we will cooperate in community planning, and join forces with local residents to preserve nature. For example, we will utilize unused facilities for disaster relief, and carry out further tree planting and forest management to protect residents from torrential rains and landslide disasters. Our goal is to ensure that we are a sustainable company in a sustainable environment, able to pass our advanced technology on to younger generations who will embrace the standards we are setting for our company and our communities.

By endeavoring to be responsible to all our stakeholders, including the Earth, in our business and community activities, we will continue to make progress in sustainable manufacturing, to protect our beautiful global environment, create a prosperous society, and secure a happy future for our children.

SDGs activity

Cleanup activities (once a year at Yamada Industrial Park)
Life blow water / Life on land / Peace
Blood donation drives (once a year)
Good health

October 8, 2008: Received the Gold Medal for Merit from the Japanese Red Cross Society

Registration in the WIPO GREEN database
Registration in the WIPO GREEN database
Factory tours (for groups associated with schools and academic societies)
Sponsorship of local events and festivals

Sustanable cities
Rice-planting classes, ski schools and various other events for the children of employees

Education / Sustanable cities / Life below water
Tree planting activities in Thailand
Climate action
Utilization of solar panels at Thai factory
Energy / Climate action
Uniform reuse
Good health / Sustanable cities
Utilization of renewable energy
Utilization of renewable energy