For information regarding our journey from "Adamant Namiki Precision Jewel Co." to "Orbray Co." Please click here

Terms of Use

The Terms of Use apply to all users who use this Site. In using the Orbray Group*1 web site (hereinafter referred to as "this Site"), please carefully read and agree to the following. Use of this Site constitutes your full agreement to the following clauses.

"Orbray Group" refers to following companies collectively and/or individually: Orbray Co.,Ltd., Orbray California Inc., Orbray New Jersey Inc., Orbray Singapore Pte. Ltd., Orbray Europe GmbH, Orbray (Thailand) Co., Ltd., Yabuki Precision Jewel Co., Ltd., Murakami Precision Co., Ltd., Kagoshima Electronics Co., Ltd.

  1. Compliance; Rules for Use
  2. All users of this Site are prohibited from performing the following:

    1. Conduct that infringes or violates laws or public order and morality, or conduct that may do so.
    2. Conduct or behavior that leads to, or may lead to, criminality.
    3. Conduct that violates intellectual property rights, and all other rights including copyrights of Orbray Group and any third party.
    4. Conduct that violates the privacy of another individual, and behavior that violates "Orbray Group's Information Security Policy and Privacy Policy", as described separately.
    5. Conduct or remarks that are of a political or religious nature, insult a specific individual, are obscene in nature, or are detrimental to Orbray Group.
    6. Use of the information offered by this Site or Orbray Group for commercial purpose without the prior consent of Orbray Group.
    7. Any transmission or uploading of malicious computer software or fake files.
    8. Conduct that partially or wholly impedes other users from the use or access of the services on this Site.
    9. Conduct that slanders, defames, or harms reputations of, or confidence in, Orbray Group or any third party.
    10. Conduct that provides benefits to anti-social forces or criminal organization.
    11. Any other conduct Orbray Group deems inappropriate for this Site.

  3. Liability for Third Party Damages
  4. Orbray Group is not liable for any damages incurred by a third party during the use of this Site by the user. Liability and compensation for such damages shall be the responsibility of the user, and any disputes with a third party should be settled between the user and said third party.

  5. Compensation for Damages
  6. In the case that a user violates the Terms of Use and causes damages, Orbray Group shall reserves the right to claim compensation for such damages.

  7. General Disclaimer
  8. By accessing this Site, the user acknowledges and accepts the following disclaimers.

    1. This Site is maintained to the best of Orbray Group's ability; however, Orbray Group does not guarantee that the information contained therein is complete or accurate.
    2. Orbray Group assumes no responsibility for any direct or indirect damage incurred by the user through the content of this Site or the information contained therein.
    3. Orbray Group may, without prior notification to the user, modify, suspend, or terminate all or part of this Site. In addition, Orbray Group assumes no responsibility for any damages that may occur due to the modification, suspension, or termination of the services of this Site.

  9. Termination, Suspension or Modification of this Site
  10. Orbray Group reserves the right to modify or terminate the contents of this Site at any time without prior notification.
    Orbray Group assumes no responsibility for disadvantages or damages suffered as a result of any such changes.
    Orbray Group may suspend or terminate all or part of this Site without prior notification for any of the following reasons.

    1. Routine or urgent maintenance, inspection, or update of the equipment and system necessary to provide each service of this Site.
    2. Difficulty in providing respective service due to force majeure, including but not limited to fire, power failures and natural disasters.
    3. Necessary suspension or termination of service by Orbray Group for operational or technical purposes, or if Orbray Group determines that it is unable to provide the service.
    4. Orbray Group assumes no responsibility for any disadvantages or damages suffered by users or third parties due to Orbray Group suspending or terminating the respective service.

  11. Copyrights and Trademarks
  12. Copyrights and trademarks contained within this Site are subject to the following regulations:

    1. The copyrights and other intellectual property rights of all content (text, pictures, etc.) on this Site belong to Orbray Group.
    2. Users may not reuse or duplicate the content of this Site in whole or in part, whether unchanged or modified, without the prior consent of Orbray Group, with the exception of private use or other use explicitly permitted by law.
    3. The rights to all trademarks (logos and symbols) that appear on this Site are the exclusive property of Orbray Group and the rights holders who have authorized Orbray Group to use them. Trademarks that appear on this Site cannot be used without prior permission from Orbray Group or the licenser (in cases where a grant of license has been given to Orbray Group).

  13. Handling of Personal Information
  14. Personal information handled on this Site is subject to the stipulations provided separately in the "Privacy Policy".

  15. Changes to the Terms of Use
  16. Orbray Group reserves the right to make changes to the Terms of Use at any time without the consent of the user. New Terms of Use after any modification come in force at the time that they appear on this Site, unless otherwise specified by Orbray Group.

  17. Governing Laws and Court Jurisdiction
  18. The use of this Site, as well as the application and interpretation of the Terms of Use, shall be in accordance with Japanese laws, unless otherwise specified. The Tokyo District Court is the court of first instance and shall have exclusive jurisdiction over any disputes that arise in regards to the use of this Site.

  19. Contact information
  20. Questions regarding the Terms of Use should be sent to us at +81-3-5390-7600

Last updated: 1st January 2024