We have a wide range of equipment related to optical mounting services and can offer optimum mounting proposals for all custom requirements and projects. We can offer services in the areas of die and wire bonding for micro optical elements, electronic parts, MEMS and other areas. In addition to our mounting technology, we can also hermetically seal various packages (metal and ceramics) for component protection as well. We can also offer and provide consultation for packaging services in accordance to customer design specifications and requirements.
Die Bonding / Wire Bonding
- Mounting process for Optical chip, Electronic component, MEMS chip.
- Die bonding by Ag paste, UV adhesive, solder etc…

Auto die bonder

Auto wire bonder

EX) Wire bonding for MEMS chip
Hermetic Seal (Packaging)
- Hermetic sealing by N2 gus.
- He leak test / Gross leak test equipment
- Vacuum baking (∼200°C)

Projection welding machine

EX) Packaging products (Window Glass)

Seam welding machine