Orbray conducts its business activities with strict adherence to its Corporate Ethics Policy, contributing to society and fulfilling its responsibilities as a good corporate citizen. Every employee is committed to acting with the highest standards of corporate ethics, guided by the following principles:
Compliance with International Rules
As a global organization, we comply with international regulations and local laws while respecting the cultures and customs of each region, ensuring that we contribute to their development.
Earning Customer Trust
We strive to earn customer trust and satisfaction by developing and delivering socially beneficial, safe, and high-quality products that meet customer needs, through accurate and appropriate information disclosure and communication.
Maintaining Fair Relationships
Orbray ensures fair transactions, builds trust with business partners, and pursues mutual growth. We avoid actions that exploit our advantageous position to the detriment of our business partners, and maintain transparent and ethical relationships with political and governmental entities.
Prohibition of Anti-Competitive Practices
Orbray refrains from anti-competitive activities, such as joining cartels or engaging in bid-rigging, and complies with the Unfair Competition Prevention Act, the Antimonopoly Act, and all relevant laws and regulations.
Prohibition of Conflicts of Interest
Orbray employees will work to avoid any activities that conflict with the interests of the company, its business partners, or third parties.
Prohibition of Corrupt Practices
Corruption in any form, including excessive entertainment, inappropriate gift-giving, dishonesty, fraud, and embezzlement, is strictly prohibited within Orbray.
Elimination of Antisocial Influences and Prohibition of Money Laundering
Orbray does not engage with antisocial forces or groups, avoids financial transactions with them, and takes a firm organizational stance to sever any ties with them. Money laundering is not tolerated in any way.
Solidarity with Employees and Optimization of Workplace Environment
Orbray values the diversity and individuality of employees while fostering a sense of solidarity. We are dedicated to creating safe, inclusive, and comfortable working environments where employees can thrive. Discrimination or harassment of any kind, including on the basis of gender, disability, or religion, is not tolerated.
Strict Information Management
Confidential information related to Orbray, our business partners, and individuals is safeguarded with the utmost care.
Addressing Environmental Issues
Environmental conservation is a top management priority, and Orbray proactively implements actions in alignment with our environmental policy.
Contributing to Society and Supporting Our Local Communities
Orbray actively works to contribute positively to society through its corporate activities, and supports local communities through job creation, education, and cultural initiatives.
Communication with Society
Orbray maintains open and proactive communication with society, including shareholders, and ensures fair and transparent disclosure of corporate information to all stakeholders.