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Human Rights Policy

Orbray is committed to developing technology and manufacturing products through the mutual support of employees and all stakeholders, guided by our core value of “one company, one family.”

Throughout our business activities, Orbray aims to contribute positively to local communities and society at large, working to foster a prosperous future for all. Respect for human rights, based on our recognition of the inherent dignity and fundamental freedoms each individual is born with, forms the cornerstone of our business practices.

To advance this commitment, Orbray declares our respect for the human rights of all individuals involved in our activities and has established this human rights policy to guide our efforts.

Approach to human rights

Orbray understands and respects the fundamental human rights stipulated in the “International Bill of Human Rights”* and the International Labor Organization’s (ILO) “Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work” as a set of minimum requirements. We also support the United Nations’ “Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights” and conduct our business activities based on these principles.

We respect and comply with the laws and regulations applicable in the countries and regions in which we conduct business activities. When internationally recognized human rights standards differ from the laws of the country or region in which we conduct our business, we will adopt the higher standard. When there is a conflict between the two, we will pursue ways to respect internationally recognized human rights to the maximum extent possible.
*Universal Declaration of Human Rights, International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR), International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (ICESCR)

Scope of application and external expectations

This human rights policy applies to all directors, auditors, executive officers, and employees of Orbray Co. Ltd. (where “Employees” include all full-time and part-time workers, contract employees, and temporary employees). Orbray also expects all business partners in the value chain to understand and support this policy and to work together to promote respect for human rights.

Implementation, correction, and remediation of human rights due diligence

Orbray will establish and continuously implement a system of human rights due diligence to fulfill our responsibility to respect human rights. We will work to prevent or mitigate any adverse human rights impacts identified through due diligence. When we identify impacts caused or exacerbated by our operations, we will take appropriate corrective measures.

Training and awareness

Orbray incorporates this policy into our business practices and provides ongoing education and training to employees to enhance the understanding and awareness of human rights throughout the organization.

Stakeholder engagement

In our commitment to respecting human rights, we strive for continuous improvement and actively engage in sincere dialogue and consultation with stakeholders.


Orbray will appropriately disclose our human rights efforts on our websites and through other channels.

Grievance mechanism

Orbray will establish a mechanism whereby internal and external stakeholders can report or seek advice on injuries or concerns related to negative human rights impacts.

Human rights issues related to Orbray’s business activities

Prohibition of Forced Labor

Orbray does not tolerate labor compelled under threat or coercion, and ensures all work is conducted freely and voluntarily.

Prohibition of Child Labor

Orbray does not permit labor by individuals under the age of 15, nor does it’s we allow hazardous or harmful work by individuals under the age of 18.

Prohibition of Discrimination

In all business and workplace activities, Orbray prohibits any form of discrimination based on nationality, race, color, religion, beliefs, social status, sexual orientation, gender identity, disability, or other attributes.

Freedom of Association and Collective Bargaining

Orbray respects employees’ rights to freely associate, join unions, and engage in collective bargaining. The company opposes any actions that unjustly infringe upon these rights.

Occupational Safety and Health

Orbray prioritizes the safety and health of our employees, fostering a secure and supportive work environment.

Working Hours and Wages

Orbray manages working hours, holidays, and vacations appropriately and ensures employees receive fair wages, considering living wage standards.

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI)

Orbray promotes diversity and strives to create workplaces where employees can thrive regardless of their attributes or perspectives.

Prevention of Harassment

Orbray strictly prohibits any form of harassment that undermines human dignity.

Responsible Sourcing of Minerals

Orbray avoids sourcing raw materials containing conflict minerals, or minerals associated with human rights violations or conflicts.

January 1, 2025

Riyako Namiki
President and CEO
Orbray Co., Ltd.