Industrial jewel
Diamond Wafers: Production Technologies and Applications
Introduction to Power Semiconductors: From the basics to applications for each material
Introduction to suction nozzles and collets
Award: Industrial Standardization Enterprise Award
Orbray Wins Second Consecutive “Semiconductor of the Year” Award in 2023
Summary of “Grinding” and “Polishing”A brief introduction to these processing technologies and how they are used.
High Flatness Polishing Processing
First round of Space Delivery Project “RETURN to EARTH” The ceremony celebrating the return of the payload items was held
Ultra-Polishing of Sapphire along the c-Plane
Launch of the world's first large12-inch high-quality sapphire wafer
Precision Nozzles: Materials, Shapes, and Applications
Success in mass production technology for ultra-high-purity 2-inch diamond wafer; expected to spur realization of quantum computing