Diamond Wafers: Production Technologies and Applications
High Flatness Polishing Processing
First round of Space Delivery Project “RETURN to EARTH” The ceremony celebrating the return of the payload items was held
Introducing Bioceramics: Challenges, features, and applications
Ultra-Polishing of Sapphire along the c-Plane
Biomaterials: Features and challenges for commercialization
Launch of the world's first large12-inch high-quality sapphire wafer
Metallic Glass Features and Applications of a New Type of Metallic Alloy
Hard materials and cemented carbides: Characteristics and processing methods
Success in mass production technology for ultra-high-purity 2-inch diamond wafer; expected to spur realization of quantum computing
Sapphire Glass [Story of Watch 4]
Drilling methods for micrometer to nanometer sized holes and their applications